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源叶(MedMol) 98%
  • 英文名:
  • Bradykinin
  • 别名:
  • 舒缓激肽;Rppgfspfr;Bradykinin;Bradykinin, Tyrosyl;Bradykinin, Lysyl;Bradykinin, Methionyl-Lysyl;Bradykinin, Human;Bradykinin (Human, Bovine, Rat, Mouse);Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg
  • CAS号:
  • 58-82-2
  • 分子式:
  • C50H73N15O11
  • 分子量:
  • 1060.21
品牌货号产品规格价格(RMB) 库存(上海) 北京 武汉 南京 数量计量单位 加入购物车...
源叶(MedMol) S85882-5mg 98% ¥360.00元 预计交期:2-3天 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S85882-10mg 98% ¥480.00元 4 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S85882-25mg 98% ¥1120.00元 10 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S85882-50mg 98% ¥1760.00元 10 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车







  • 提示:详情请下载说明书。
  • 产品描述: Bradykinin is an active peptide that is generated by the kallikrein-kinin system. It is a inflammatory mediator and also recognized as a neuromediator and regulator of several vascular and renal functions.
  • 靶点: Bradykinin B2 Receptor (B2R);Human Endogenous Metabolite
  • 体内研究:
    Application of 1 μM bradykinin to the ovary produces significant decreases in heart rate and mean arterial pressure. In vagotomized animals, application of 1 μM bradykinin to the ovary produces bradycardia and hypotension similar to the responses evoked when vagal innervation is intact. Vascular bradykinin can improve pancreatic microcirculation and hemorheology in rats with severe acute pancreatitis. The pancreatic microcirculatory blood flow volume and velocity in the vascular bradykinin treatment group increases gradually after 48 h. PI3K/Akt signaling pathway activation induced by bradykinin administration reduces the activity of GSK-3β and MAPK, and reduces NF-x03BA;B level in the nucleus, thereby inhibiting TF expression. Consistent with this, intraperitoneal injection of C57/BL6 mice with bradykinin also inhibits the thrombus formation induced by ligation of inferior vena cava
  • 参考文献:
    1. Hornig B, et al. Role of bradykinin in mediating vascular effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors inhumans. Circulation. 1997 Mar 4;95(5):1115-8. 2. Wang G, et al. Bradykinin stimulates IL-6 production and cell invasion in colorectal cancer cells. Oncol Rep. 2014 Oct;32(4):1709-14. 3. Dong R, et al. Exogenous Bradykinin Inhibits Tissue Factor Induction and Deep Vein Thrombosis via Activating the eNOS/Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase/Akt Signaling Pathway. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2015;37(4):1592-606. 4. Uchida S, et al. Afferent fibers involved in the bradykinin-induced cardiovascular reflexes from the ovary in rats. Auton Neurosci. 2015 Dec;193:57-62. 5. Liu LT, et al. Effect of vascular bradykinin on pancreatic microcirculation and hemorheology in rats with severe acute pancreatitis. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2015;19(14):2646-50.
  • 溶解性: Soluble  in  H2O
  • 保存条件: -20℃
  • 配置溶液浓度参考:
    1mg 5mg 10mg
    1 mM 0.943 ml 4.716 ml 9.432 ml
    5 mM 0.189 ml 0.943 ml 1.886 ml
    10 mM 0.094 ml 0.472 ml 0.943 ml
    50 mM 0.019 ml 0.094 ml 0.189 ml
  • 注意:部分产品我司仅能提供部分信息,我司不保证所提供信息的权威性,仅供客户参考交流研究之用。


质量 (mg) = 浓度 (mM) x 体积 (mL) x 分子量 (g/mol)

  • =
