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4-Octyl Itaconate

源叶(MedMol) 98%
  • 英文名:
  • Butanedioic acid, methylene-, 4-octyl ester
  • 别名:
  • 4-Octyl Itaconate ;衣康酸盐
  • CAS号:
  • 3133-16-2
  • 分子式:
  • C13H22O4
  • 分子量:
  • 242.31138
  • 核磁/质谱:
品牌货号产品规格价格(RMB) 库存(上海) 北京 武汉 南京 数量计量单位 加入购物车...
源叶(MedMol) S88644-10mg 98% ¥149.60元 5 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S88644-50mg 98% ¥408.00元 6 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S88644-100mg 98% ¥680.00元 5 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S88644-1g 98% ¥3500.00元 1 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车







  • 产品描述: 4-Octyl Itaconate激活Nrf2信号,在人类巨噬细胞和分离自全身性红斑狼疮患者的PBMC中抑制促炎性因子的产生
  • 靶点: Nrf2
  • 体外研究:
    4-Octyl Itaconate effectively prevents NP cells from degeneration through anti-ROS and anti-inflammation, and the combined use with tBHQ has better effects
  • 体内研究:
    4-Octyl itaconate is a crucial anti-inflammatory metabolite that acts via Nrf2 to limit inflammation and modulate type I interferons
  • 细胞实验: Cell lines: nucleus pulposus (NP) cells Concentrations: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 µM Incubation Time: 24 h Method: The NP cells are cultured in the 24 well plates with a density of 1.5×104 per well. To test the optimized concentration of tBHQ, 4-Octyl Itaconate, and the mixture of them, ranged concentration of drugs is used to stimulate NP cells for 24 hours. The highest concentration that did not affect the cell viability is applied in our experiment. Besides, we also used Lipopolysaccharides to induce NP cell degeneration.
  • 动物实验: Animal Models: C57BL/6 mice Dosages: 50 mg/kg Administration: i.p.
  • 参考文献:
    1. Zhong WX, et al. The effect of Nrf2 activators tBHQ and 4-octyl itaconate on the nucleus pulposus cell degeneration. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2021 Aug;25(16):5189-5198. 2. Mills EL, et al. Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory metabolite that activates Nrf2 via alkylation of KEAP1. Nature. 2018 Apr 5;556(7699):113-117.
  • 溶解性: Soluble  in  DMSO、Ethanol
  • 保存条件: -20°C
  • 配置溶液浓度参考:
    1mg 5mg 10mg
    1 mM 4.127 ml 20.635 ml 41.269 ml
    5 mM 0.825 ml 4.127 ml 8.254 ml
    10 mM 0.413 ml 2.063 ml 4.127 ml
    50 mM 0.083 ml 0.413 ml 0.825 ml
  • 注意:部分产品我司仅能提供部分信息,我司不保证所提供信息的权威性,仅供客户参考交流研究之用。


质量 (mg) = 浓度 (mM) x 体积 (mL) x 分子摩尔量 (g/mol)

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