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Nilotinib hydrochloride anhydrous

源叶(MedMol) 99%
  • 英文名:
  • Nilotinib hydrochloride anhydrous
  • 别名:
  • 尼罗替尼盐酸盐(无水)
  • CAS号:
  • 923288-95-3
  • 分子式:
  • C28H23ClF3N7O
  • 分子量:
  • 565.99
品牌货号产品规格价格(RMB) 库存(上海) 北京 武汉 南京 数量计量单位 加入购物车...
源叶(MedMol) S88747-25mg 99% ¥720.00元 9 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车
源叶(MedMol) S88747-100mg 99% ¥2060.00元 4 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车







  • 产品描述: Nilotinib is an orally available Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor with antineoplastic activity.
  • 靶点: Bcr-Abl;Bcr-Abl; Autophagy
  • 体外研究:
    Nilotinib (AMN107), selective Abl inhibitor, is designed to interact with the ATP-binding site of BCR-ABL with a higher affinity than imatinib while being significantly more potent compared with imatinib (IC50<30 nM), also maintains activity against most of the BCR-ABL point mutants that confer Imatinib resistance. Nilotinib demonstrates significant antitumor efficacy against GIST xenograft lines and imatinib-resistant GIST cell lines which parent cell lines GK1C and GK3C shows imatinib sensitivity with IC50 of 4.59±0.97 µM and 11.15±1.48 µM, respectively, imatinib-resistant cell lines GK1C-IR and GK3C-IR shows Imatinib resistance with IC50 values of 11.74±0.17 µM (P<0.001) and 41.37±1.07 µM (P<0.001), respectively
  • 体内研究:
    Nilotinib (oral gavage, 40 mg/kg, daily, 4 weeks) shows equivalent or higher antitumor effects in BALB/cSLc-nu/nu mice with GIST xenograft.Nilotinib has a significant healing effect on the macroscopic and microscopic pathologic scores and ensures considerable mucosal healing in the indomethacin-induced enterocolitis rat model while decreases the PDGFR α and β levels and apoptotic scores in the colon. Animal Model: BALB/cSLc-nu/nu mice with GIST xenograft (GK1X, GK2X and GK3X)[2] Dosage: 40 mg/kg Administration: Oral gavage; daily; 4 weeks Result: Inhibited tumor growth by 69.6% in GK1X, 85.3% in GK2X and 47.5% in GK3X xenograft line.
  • 参考文献:
    1. Weisberg E, et al. Beneficial effects of combining nilotinib and imatinib in preclinical models of BCR-ABL+ leukemias. Blood. 2007 Mar 1;109(5):2112-20. 2. Sako H, et al. Antitumor effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor Nilotinib on gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and Imatinib-resistant GIST cells. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 15;9(9):e107613. 3. Dervis Hakim G, et al. Mucosal healing effect of nilotinib in indomethacin-induced enterocolitis: A rat model. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov 28;21(44):12576-85. 4. Fujita KI, et al. Involvement of the Transporters P-Glycoprotein and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein in Dermal Distribution of the Multikinase Inhibitor Regorafenib and Its Active Metabolites. J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;106(9):2632-2641. 5. Meirson T, et al. Targeting invadopodia-mediated breast cancer metastasis by using ABL kinase inhibitors. Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 24;9(31):22158-22183.
  • 溶解性: Soluble  in  DMSO
  • 保存条件: -80℃
  • 配置溶液浓度参考:
    1mg 5mg 10mg
    1 mM 1.767 ml 8.834 ml 17.668 ml
    5 mM 0.353 ml 1.767 ml 3.534 ml
    10 mM 0.177 ml 0.883 ml 1.767 ml
    50 mM 0.035 ml 0.177 ml 0.353 ml
  • 注意:部分产品我司仅能提供部分信息,我司不保证所提供信息的权威性,仅供客户参考交流研究之用。


质量 (mg) = 浓度 (mM) x 体积 (mL) x 分子摩尔量 (g/mol)

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