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2. [IF=1.902] Xuezhao Chen et al."A two-step strategy for quality control of Xin-Yu-Tie-Pian, an ointment patch."Biomed Chromatogr. 2021 Nov;35(11):e5225 1. [IF=4.36] Fangfang Xu et al."Mechanism deconvolution of Qing Fei Pai Du decoction for treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by label-free integrative pharmacology assays."J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Nov 15; 280: 114488
本计算器可帮助您计算出特定溶液中溶质的质量、溶液浓度和体积之间的关系,公式为: 质量 (mg) = 浓度 (mM) x 体积 (mL) x 分子摩尔量 (g/mol) pg ng μg mg g kg = fM pM nM μM mM M * nL μL mL L *